Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
243-527 kcals
Equipment Needed:
Advanced - Extreme
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Hurdle Sprints
02 - Free-Throw Burpees
03 - Tri-Knee Combo
04 - Scramble Jacks
05 - Majesty Squats
06 - T-Jugglers
07 - Clap-Kick Push
08 - Sagat Sprints
09 - 180 Burpees
10 - LVL 2 Sprints
11 - Accordions
12 - Bullet Kicks L
13 - Bullet Kicks R
14 - Tri-Jab Tucks
15 - Plyo Heismans
16 - Patty Cake Push-ups
17 - Skater Taps
18 - Pike-Tap Push
19 - Tri-Fly Sprints
20 - Box Jugglers
21 - Cowabunga Squats
22 - Dive-Bomber Hops
23 - Agility Sprints
24 - Shuffle Jabs
25 - Criss-Cross Tucks
26 - Ballerina Burpees
27 - Deep Climbers
28 - Alt Side Knees
29 - Shadow Jabs
30 - Clap Tuck Burpees
31 - Brisk March
32 - Tri-Climb Hops
33 - Toe Tap Kicks L
34 - Toe Tap Kicks R
35 - Stork Sprints
36 - Push-up Thrusts
37 - 180 Hook Sprints
38 - Tri-Step Burpees
39 - S2S Push-ups
40 - Squatty Pippens
41 - ISO Tap Sprints
42 - Sagat Burpees
43 - S2S Heismans
44 - Sprinter Drill
45 - Jab Squat Combo
46 - Stack-Foot Push
47 - 180 Knee Sprints
48 - Tap-Ab Twists
49 - Stacker Thrusts
50 - In & Out Sprints
51 - Tri-Switch Lunge
52 - Duck Lunge Sprints
53 - Back Fist Sprints
54 - Speed Jugglers
55 - Gravity Climbers
Burnout - Ladder Tuck Burpees
Up Next in 30-35 Minutes
MX500 #24 - 35 Minute Small Space Cardio
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
256-541 kcalsEquipment Needed:
Advanced - ExtremeWorkout Breakdown:
Circuit 01
01 - Dbl Tap Sprints
02 - 180 Burpees
03 - Squatty Pippens... -
MX500 #05 - 35 Minute Low Impact Body...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
256-498 kcalsEquipment Needed:
AdvancedWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Heel Tap Knees
02 - Free Throw Burpees
03 - ISO Sprints
04 - ISO Gecko Div... -
MX500 #04 - 35 Minute Jump, Pump & Fi...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
247-520 kcalsEquipment Needed:
Jump Rope, DumbbellsLevel:
Advanced - ExtremeWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Boxer Skips
02 - Mountain Skiers
03 - S2S Renegad...