Equipment Needed: No Equipment
Calories Burned: 1604
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Level-Up Burpees
02 - Boomerang Catchers L
03 - Dbl Tap Heel Click Squats
04 - Boomerang Catchers R
05 - Power Knee Burpees
06 - Diamond Push Climbers
07 - LVL 3 Side Knees L
08 - Hi-Low Burpee Jacks
09 - LVL 3 Side Knees R
10 - 180 Time Bomb Climbers
11 - F2B Hand Tap Jugglers
12 - Burpee Sprawl Tucks
13 - 180 Tap-Under Sprints
14 - Quad Killer Crawls
15 - Tri-Climb Hops
16 - F2B Ziggy Sprints
17 - Boing Boing Burpees
19 - Half Whole Tucks L
20 - Downward Geckos
21 - Half Whole Tucks R
22 - 180 Switch Lunges
23 - Suicide Drops
24 - T-Jugglers
25 - Side Lunge Ab Twist Sprawls L
26 - S2S Sky Switches
27 - Side Lunge Ab Twist Sprawls R
28 - S2S Push Climbers
29 - F2B Uppercut Knees
30 - S2S Tri-Tuck Sprints
31 - Jack-5 Burpees
32 - S2S Peak Valley Sprints
33 - Jack In the Box Squats
34 - Side Lunge Spin Hops L
35 - 180 Fly Sprints
36 - Side Lunge Spin Hops R
37 - Dive-Bomber Tucks
38 - 3-Way Slanted Sprints L
39 - 180 Rainbow Kick Climbers
40 - 3-Way Slanted Sprints R
41 - Pause Jack Calves
42 - Hustle Tap Crawls L
43 - Alt Rainbow Power Kicks
44 - Hustle Tap Crawls R
45 - F2B Half Juggler Sprints
46 - U-Turn Taps
47 - Quick Burpee Sprawls
48 - 180 Plyo Lunge Hops
49 - 8-Push Low Holds
50 - Dbl Jack Star Hops
51 - Half Whole Burpees L
52 - 180 Fast Slow Tap-Unders
53 - Half Whole Burpees R
54 - L2R Money Jacks
55 - Wounded Beast Burpees L
56 - F2B Ickey Sprints
57 - Wounded Beast Burpees R
58 - Donkey Sprints
59 - S2S Plyo Knee Uppercuts L
60 - Gravity Squats
61 - S2S Plyo Knee Uppercuts R
62 - Clockwork Push-ups
63 - LVL-4 Sprints
64 - S2S Plyo Heisman Slams
65 - L2R V-Jab Tucks
66 - Twist-Tap Fly Sprints
67 - Falcon Punch Knees L
68 - Scramble Jacks
69 - Falcon Punch Knees R
70 - Pike-Tap Clap Push-ups
71 - S2S Dbl Jack Pause Sprints
72 - Stutter Lunge Add Swings L
73 - V-Worm Lunges
74 - Stutter Lunge Add Swings R
75 - Inchworm Slams
76 - Side V-Sprints L
77 - Wide Pedal Burpees
78 - Side V-Sprints R
79 - Pedal Feet Typo Squats
80 - Dive-Bomber Hops
81 - Cliffhangers
82 - S2S High Karaoke Sprints
83 - Obstacle Hops L
84 - Tri-Switch Jacks
85 - Obstacle Hops R
86 - Sprinter Drills
87 - Detonation Push-ups
88 - Relay Climbers
89 - Switch Lunge Swing Kicks
90 - ISO Switch Kick Burpees
91 - S2S Jab Sprints
92 - Hop-Over Tuck Jumps
93 - Hi-Low Plank Jacks
94 - Traffic Sprints
95 - Hero Tap Burpees
96 - Hustle Tap Hops L
97 - Alt Squat Tap Tucks
98 - Hustle Tap Hops R
99 - Brisk March Switches
100 - Dead-Man Burpees
101 - Brisk Jugglers
102 - 180 Slam Hops
103 - Stacked Foot Push-ups
104 - S2S High Knee Tap-Unders
105 - Hit & Runs
106 - Marathon Burpees
Disclaimer: All information provided by Millionaire Hoy LLC is of a general nature and is for educational/entertainment purposes only. It is strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor and fitness professional before beginning this or any exercise program. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.
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Equipment Needed: No Equipment + Yoga Strap + Mat
Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Calories Burned: 187
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Strapped Shoulder Winds
02 - F2B Shoulder Stretch
03 - Knee Circle Torso Twists
04 - Sweeping Windmill
05 - Alt Dbl Windmill
06 - Elephant Walks
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40 Minute Lower Body Strength Build W...
Equipment Needed: No Equipment + Mat
Level: Advanced-Extreme
Calories Burned: 537
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Standing Knee Circles
02 - Jumping Jacks
03 - U-Squat Lunges
04 - OH Rev Lunges
05 - Kang Squat
06 - The WindmillWorkout:
01 - 180 Hi-Low Goblet Squats
02 - ISO Balance Hams L
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35 Minute 1000 Rep Abs & Core Workout...
Equipment Needed: No Equipment + Mat
Level: Advanced-Extreme
Calories Burned: 425
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Alt Heel Tap Swing Crunch
02 - Hi-Heel Tap Crunch
03 - Shin Huggers
04 - S2S Low Heel Taps
05 - Bicycles
06 - ISO Sprinter Abs L
07 - Hip Dip Reachers L
08 - ISO Sprinter Abs R