Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
Equipment Needed:
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Stork Sprints
02 - Renegade Burpees L
03 - Renegade Burpees R
04 - Sagat Sprints
05 - T-Squat Hops
06 - LVL 3 Sprints
07 - Halo Burpees
08 - Tri-Knee Combo
09 - Pick-up Squats
10 - Scramble Jacks
11 - Alt Back Flys
12 - Mt Lovers
13 - Traffic Jacks
14 - Cardio Circuit
15 - S2S Shuffle Squats
16 - Squat Jab Combo
17 - Man-Makers
18 - Cowabunga Squats
19 - Deadlift Squats
20 - ISO Tap Sprints
21 - Cheerleaders
22 - Free Throw Burpees
23 - Diamond Swings
24 - Sprinter Drill
25 - Dumbbell Gauntlet
Up Next in 30-35 Minutes
SFTS #13 - 30 Minute Plyo Sweat Total...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
185-403Equipment Needed:
None / BodyweightLevel:
AdvancedWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Gecko Sprints
02 - Tri-Jab Tucks
03 - Cowabunga Squats
04 - Scrambl... -
SFTS #04 - 30 Minute Jump Rope Cardio...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
182-395Equipment Needed:
Jump RopeLevel:
AdvancedWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Cardio Circuit
02 - Stork Sprints
03 - Speed Bags
04 - LVL 3 Sprints
05 - J... -
SFTS #21 - 30 Minute INSANE HIIT Stre...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
182-395Equipment Needed:
Dumbbells + Jump RopeLevel:
AdvancedWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Shuttle Drills
02 - Renegade Burpees
03 - Jump Ropes
04 - Majest...