Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
Equipment Needed:
Workout Breakdown:
Circuit 01
01 - Star Hop Lifts
02 - Tri-Knee Combp
03 - Pick-up Squats
04 - Side Curl Lunges
05 - Seal Clappers
06 - Shuffle Press
07 - Alt. Lunge Kicks
08 - Stork Taps
09 - Renegade Thrusts
10 - Hop Squat Curls
11 - Kickback Lunges
12 - Torture Sprints
13 - Cross Curl Hops
14 - Click-Clack Push-ups
15 - Alt. Press Sprints
16 - Paddle Lunges
17 - Tri-Wide Squats
18 - S2S Goblet Kicks
19 - Traffic Directors
20 - Ballerina Squats
21 - Switch Feet Curls
22 - Dbl Squat Kicks
23 - Tri-Hold Planks
24 - Bulgarian Lunges
25 - Donkey Frogs
Up Next in 30-35 Minutes
22 - 35 Minute Full-Body Inferno Work...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
214-551Equipment Needed:
EXTREMEWorkout Breakdown:
Circuit 01
01 - 45 - Hurdle Sprints
02 - 45 - Clap Heel Taps
03 - 45 - Floor Tap Climbe... -
18 - 35 Minute Push to the Max Workou...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
232-578Equipment Needed:
None / BodyweightLevel:
EXTREMEWorkout Breakdown:
Circuit 01
01 - 45 - Globe Frog Tucks
02 - 45 - Gecko Rolls
03 - 45 - S2S... -
17 - 35 Minute Hard Body Tabata 500...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
213-541Equipment Needed:
None / BodyweightLevel:
EXTREMEWorkout Breakdown:
Circuit 01
01 - Switch Kick Skaters
02 - Seal Claps
03 - L2R Lunge Tucks