Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
Equipment Needed:
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Plyo Heismans
02 - Dumbbell Gauntlet
03 - 180 Knee Sprints
04 - Man-Makers
05 - Tri-Climb Hops
06 - Pick-up Press
07 - Donkey Lunges
08 - Cheerleaders
09 - F2B Jack Sprints
10 - Switch Kick Swings
Up Next in 2015
091 - 10 Minute Push-up Plank Pyramid...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
69-123Equipment Needed:
None / BodyweightLevel:
EXTREMEWorkout Breakdown:
15 - Clap Push-ups
30 - Trinity Push-ups
30 - Dive-Bombers
45 - Push-up Kicks
45 - P... -
090 - 10 Minute Lazy Day Cardio HIIT ...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
70-131Equipment Needed:
AdvancedWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Brisk March
02 - S2S Jab Sprints
03 - Tri-Knee Combo
04 - Striker Combo
05 - Box Sprint... -
092 - 10 Minute Hi-Low Cardio Six-Pac...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
75-135Equipment Needed:
AdvancedWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Twist Climbers
02 - Scissor Heel Taps
03 - Tri-Knee Combo
04 - Alt Toe Taps
05 - 180 Knee Spr...