Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
247-520 kcals
Equipment Needed:
Advanced - Extreme
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Plyo Pushy Frogs
02 - 180 Switch Lunges
03 - ISO Leg Burpees L
04 - Renegade Raises L
05 - ISO Leg Burpees R
06 - Renegade Raises R
07 - Tri-Back Flys
08 - S2S Tuck Diamonds
09 - Fake Lunge Press
10 - ISO Hop-Over Burpees
11 - Curly Flys
12 - Parking Block Squats
13 - Ladder Push-ups
14 - Traffic Directors
15 - Stork Tap Sprints
16 - Halo Burpees
17 - Twerknado Squats
18 - Side Lunge Switch
19 - 180 ISO Burpees
20 - ISO Renegades
21 - Bent-Over TYAs
22 - Man-Makers
23 - Squat Twist Press
24 - S2S Stork Snatch
25 - 180 Remix Squats
26 - Push-up Thrusts
27 - Windmill Lunges
28 - Row to Flys
29 - Shuffle Squats
30 - 180 Landmine Burpees
Burnout - Total Sweat Circuit