30 Minute Intermediate Full Body Strength Workout - NO JUMP #25
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells + Mat
Level: Intermediate
Calories Burned: 345
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Rev Lunge Curl Press
02 - Side Back Pulse Lunge L
03 - Lawn Mores L
04 - Pike-Back Push-ups
05 - Side Back Pulse Lunge R
06 - Lawn Mores R
07 - Renegade Push-ups
08 - High Low Goblet Squats
09 - Back Fly Deadlifts
10 - Side Lunge Pick-ups L
11 - Goblet Stack Squats
12 - Side Lunge Pick-ups R
13 - Triceps Kickbacks
14 - Stacked Foot Push-ups
15 - Alt DB Floor Press
16 - Kneeling Rows
17 - Booty Builders
18 - DB Hip Thrusts
19 - Kneeling W Curls
20 - ISO DB Swings
21 - Trinity Lunges L
22 - RDL Step-Backs
23 - Trinity Lunges R
24 - Alt Lunge Mowers
25 - Elevated Push-ups
26 - Side Lunge Curtsies L
27 - 12 to 3 Flys
28 - Side Lunge Curtsies R
29 - Tri-Switch Rows
30 - Dive-Bombers
All information provided by Millionaire Hoy LLC is of a general nature and is for educational/entertainment purposes only. It is strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor and fitness professional before beginning this or any exercise program. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.