35 Minute Full Body Low Impact No Equipment Workout - NO JUMP #24
Equipment Needed: No Equipment + Mat
Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Calories Burned: 489
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Side Jab Abs L
02 - S2S Ground Worms
03 - Side Jab Abs R
04 - S2S Grounded Burpees
05 - ISO Dive-Bombers
06 - 1-2 Tap Crunch
07 - Seated Corenadoes
08 - Tri-Strike Switch
09 - Side Lunge Ab Twists L
10 - ISO Leg Push-ups L
11 - 180 Hook March
12 - Side Lunge Ab Twists R
13 - ISO Leg Push-ups R
14 - Teacher's Pets
15 - Mt Climbers
16 - Laying Corenadoes
17 - ISO Leg Sprints L
18 - Hustle Tap Step-Ups L
19 - ISO Leg Hip Thrusts L
20 - S2S Hustler Pedals
21 - Ladder Pulse-Ups
22 - ISO Leg Sprints R
23 - Hustle Tap Step-Ups R
24 - ISO Leg Hip Thrusts R
25 - Wide Arm Flutter Kicks
26 - Back Fist March
27 - Standing Skiers
28 - Tri-Climb Twists
29 - BW Table Stack Rows
30 - Side Knee Uppercuts
31 - Mt. Kickers
32 - Stack Pulse Squats
33 - Rev Table Rockers
34 - Sprinter Abs
35 - Agility March
36 - Toe Tap Kicks L
37 - 180 Shadow Jabs
38 - Toe Tap Kicks R
39 - Dbl Pike-Back Push
40 - Switch Jab Knees
Burnout - Open Box Step-Ups
All information provided by Millionaire Hoy LLC is of a general nature and is for educational/entertainment purposes only. It is strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor and fitness professional before beginning this or any exercise program. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.