Equipment Needed: Dumbbells + Mat
Level: Intermediate
Calories Burned: 350
Weights Used:
Workout Breakdown:
01 - DB Squat Thrusters
02 - Renegade Rows
03 - DB Pull-Overs
04 - Russian Twists
05 - 1-2 Tuck Crunch
06 - Side Back Lunge Drives L
07 - Staggered RDLs L
08 - Rev Lunge Curls
09 - Side Back Lunge Drivers R
10 - Staggered RDLs R
11 - Dbl Curl Stacks
12 - ISO Kneeling Rows L
13 - Detonation Push-ups
14 - ISO Kneeling Rows R
15 - Backseat Tuck Passes
16 - High Hold Flutter Kicks
17 - ISO DB Swings
18 - S2S Squat Curls
19 - Alt RDL Crosses
20 - Devil Press Step-Ups
21 - S2S Step Curls
22 - Back Fly Deadlifts
23 - ISO DB Hip Thrusts L
24 - ISO DB Hip Thrusts R
25 - DB Bike Passes
26 - DB Oven Stuffers
27 - Alt DB Snatch Drops
28 - Con Side Lunge Curtsies L
29 - ISO Lawn MORES L
30 - 12 to 3 Flys
31 - Con Side Lunge Curtsies R
32 - ISO Lawn MORES R
33 - Pull-Over Push-ups
34 - Kneeling Piston Press
35 - DB Hip Thrusts
36 - Glute Hold Walks
37 - Rev Cross Reach Thrusts
38 - Alt Toe Taps
39 - Alt DB Back Swimmers
40 - DB Swing Squat Press
All information provided by Millionaire Hoy LLC is of a general nature and is for educational/entertainment purposes only. It is strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor and fitness professional before beginning this or any exercise program. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.
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