Equipment Needed: Dumbbells + Mat
Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Calories Burned: 330
Workout Breakdown:
01 - In & Out Goblet Squats L
02 - F2B Lunges L
03 - ISO Lateral Lunges L
04 - Half Whole Deadlifts
05 - In & Out Goblet Squats R
06 - F2B Lunges R
07 - ISO Lateral Lunges R
08 - Sumo RDLs
09 - ISO DB Swings
10 - DB Hip Thrusts
11 - Hi-Low Goblet Squats
12 - Staggered RDL Lunges L
13 - L2R Halo Lunge Hops
14 - Staggered RDL Lunges R
15 - Calves Killers
16 - U-Squat Lunges
17 - Squat Wide Side Lunge L
18 - Step-Back RDLs
19 - Squat Wide Side Lunge R
20 - DB Clamshells L
21 - Wide DB Hip Thrusts
22 - DB Clamshells R
23 - Booty Builders L
24 - DB Ham Swings
25 - Booty Builders R
26 - Goblet Stacks
27 - F2D Lunges L
28 - OH Goblet Stacks
29 - F2D Lunges R
30 - Power Press Squats
All information provided by Millionaire Hoy LLC is of a general nature and is for educational/entertainment purposes only. It is strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor and fitness professional before beginning this or any exercise program. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.