032 - 10 Minute Quick Calisthenics Home Workout w Pull-ups + Dips
Strength Workouts
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
80 -147
Equipment Needed:
Wall +Pull-up Bar
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Duck Lunge Sprints
02 - Handstand Kick-outs
03 - Trinity Pull-ups
04 - Slow Rows
05 - ISO Leg Burpees
06 - Sprinter Push-ups
07 - Kick-Out Dips
08 - Wall Accordions
09 - 80/20 Hops
10 - Max Clap Pulls
Up Next in Strength Workouts
45 Minute Low Impact Lower Body Work...
Join our HoyPro VIP Facebook Group:
http://bit.ly/HoyProVIPFacebookEstimated Calories Burned:
264-538Equipment Needed:
Dumbbells + WallLevel:
AdvancedWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Ladder Squats
02 - 3-Way Lunges L
03 - Hi-Low Goblet Squats
04 - 3-Way Lunges R
05 - ISO Leg Kick-Backs... -
033 - 10 Minute Shoulders and Back To...
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
58-110Equipment Needed:
AdvancedWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Open Close Press
02 - Traffic Directors
03 - Lawnmowers
04 - Alt Arnold Press
05 - Lung... -
35 Minute Triple Double Tempo Arms St...
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells + Mat
Level: Advanced
Calories Burned: 372
Workout Breakdown:
01 - 30 - Non-Stop Push-ups
02 - 45 - DB Chest Press
03 - 60 - Chest Fly Pull-Overs
04 - 45 - ISO Kneeling Rows L
05 - 45 - ISO Kneeling Rows R
06 - 30 - W-Curls
07 - 45 - Pulse Negative Curls