30 Minute Total Body Deep Stretch Yoga
HIIT/STRONGER 03: 28 Day Cardio/Strength Program (Classic - 2016)
Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.
Estimated Calories Burned:
Equipment Needed:
Workout Breakdown:
01 - Butterfly Pose
02 - Head Rolls
03 - Spinal Twist L
04 - Spinal Twist R
05 - Cat Stretch
06 - Windmill Lunge L
07 - Prayer Lunge L
08 - Open Lizard L
09 - Half Splits Pose L
10 - Windmill Lunge R
11 - Prayer Lunge R
12 - Open Lizard R
13 - Half Splits Pose R
14 - Child's Pose R
15 - LVL 3 Cobra R
16 - Bow Pose
17 - Bird-Dog
18 - Hamstring Stretch
19 - Laying Ham Stretch L
20 - Laying Ham Stretch R
21 - Bridge Pose
22 - Frog Pose
23 - Frog Pose L
24 - Frog Pose R
25 - ISO Ham Stretch L
26 - Twisted Sage R
27 - ISO Ham Stretch R
28 - Twisted Sage L
29 - Glute Stretch L
30 - Glute Stretch R
31 - Happy Baby
32 - Puppy Pose
33 - Superman Holds
34 - Supine Twist (L)
35 - Supine Twist (R)
36 - Shavasana
Up Next in HIIT/STRONGER 03: 28 Day Cardio/Strength Program (Classic - 2016)
15 - 45 Minute HIIT HIIT Em' Up Total...
Join our HoyPro VIP Facebook Group:
http://bit.ly/HoyProVIPFacebookEstimated Calories Burned:
238-487Equipment Needed:
ExtremeWorkout Breakdown:
01 - S2S Heisman Sprints
02 - Walking Pushups
03 - Power Kick Burpees
04 - S2S Jab Sprints
05 - Relay... -
15 - 45 Minute STRONGER Upper Body De...
Join our HoyPro VIP Facebook Group:
http://bit.ly/HoyProVIPFacebookEstimated Calories Burned:
228-479Equipment Needed:
Dumbbells, Bench, Pull-up Bar, Dip BarsLevel:
AdvancedWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Switch Pull-ups
02 - 12 to 3 Curls
03 - Alt. Press Jacks
04 -... -
16 - 45 Minute HIIT Max Cardio Marath...
Join our HoyPro VIP Facebook Group:
http://bit.ly/HoyProVIPFacebookEstimated Calories Burned:
231-518Equipment Needed:
ExtremeWorkout Breakdown:
01 - Madman Sprints
02 - Tri-Fly Sprints
03 - S2S Jab Sprints
04 - Stork Sprints
05 - S2S Heismans